Have you ever wondered how to cross your defender over so hard that you break his ankles?
This week Chase discusses how to properly execute a crossover dribble, which if executed correctly is nearly indefensible.
Just so you know, there are many more ball handling/dribble videos coming and, of course, tons more videos on all things basketball!!
We look forward to all of your comments! Thanks so much for all the support! We'd love to get a video response from one of you!
See you next week!!
Be sure to check out our website:
and Chase's site:
Our Sites
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Want to Break Ankles?!? -- Chase's Crossover Dribble Blog -- How to Shoot a Basketball
Footwork for Shooting? -- Ask Coach Contest -- Shot Science Basketball
Do you have a question about Basketball that you want answered?
How to Shoot a Basketball Vlog
Today's question comes to us from brozors and is about the footwork philosophy we use for shooting off the dribble and the pass. These tips should help you be more stable and balanced as you go into your shot.
This is the third response video in a series where we will take a question that you guys submit to us and turn it into a video response from us the following week. All you have to do is submit a question in the comments here or in a video response attached to this video. We'll go through all the questions and choose the one we will tackle for the following week's video.
We will be especially interested in Video Responses because it will give us a chance to feature your video on next week's episode, so please consider recording yourself asking your question and attaching it here. We'll probably choose our featured question by next Friday, so submit your videos ASAP!!!
The question can be about anything Basketball and we'll do our best to answer it. Try to narrow down your topic so we can fully cover it in our response.
There will be a new episode about every other week, so please don't give up on your question.
Special thanks to Zen, Taylor, and Daniel for clips of them demonstrating great footwork! Thanks Guys!
Love to hear from you!
Creating Space to Score!! Chase's Blog -- How to Shoot a Basketball --
Have you ever wondered how to create space so that you can shoot over or slip past the defense?
This week Chase discusses how you can create space, which will allow you to get your shot off or, to drive to the hoop. It may seem counterintuitive, but you can do this by closing the space between you and the defender. This sets off a chain-reaction that develops into a "mini close-out" situation; deadly to the unsuspecting defender!!
We look forward to all of your comments! Thanks so much for all the support! We'd love to get a video response from one of you!
See you next week!!
Be sure to check out our website:
and Chase's site:
Where do I put my feet?!? -- Ask Coach Contest -- Shot Science Basketball
Do you have a question about Basketball that you want answered?
How to Shoot a Basketball Vlog
Today's question comes to us from tscho613 and is about where you should position your feet during your shot. These tips should help you be more stable and balanced as you go into your shot.
This is the second response video in a series where we will take a question that you guys submit to us and turn it into a video response from us the following week. All you have to do is submit a question in the comments here or in a video response attached to this video. We'll go through all the questions and choose the one we will tackle for the following week's video.
We will be especially interested in Video Responses because it will give us a chance to feature your video on next week's episode, so please consider recording yourself asking your question and attaching it here. We'll probably choose our featured question by next Friday, so submit your videos ASAP!!!
The question can be about anything Basketball and we'll do our best to answer it. Try to narrow down your topic so we can fully cover it in our response.
There will be a new episode every other week, so please don't give up on your question.
Special thanks to Maggie Myall for allowing us to use her feet to illustrate the proper shooting stance. She'll be back in some of our next videos!
Love to hear from you!
Get Your Legs Into It!! -- Ask Coach Contest -- ShotScience Basketball
Do you have a question about Basketball that you want answered?
Today's question comes to us from a baller named, Tess, and is about using your legs to generate sufficient power in your shot. These tips should help in increasing your range and, we hope, improve your overall shooting form.
This is the first response video in a weekly series where we will take a question that you guys submit to us and turn it into a video response from us the following week. All you have to do is submit a question in the comments here or in a video response attached to this video. We'll go through all the questions and choose the one we will tackle for the following week's video.
We will be especially interested in Video Responses because it will give us a chance to feature your video on next week's episode, so please consider recording yourself asking your question and attaching it here. We'll probably choose our featured question by next Friday, so submit your videos ASAP!!!
The question can be about anything Basketball and we'll do our best to answer it. Try to narrow down your topic so we can fully cover it in our response.
There will be a new episode each week, so please don't give up on your question.
Love to hear from you!
Performance on the Court (Yerkes-Dodson Law) Basketball Blog
How do I achieve Peak Performance on the basketball court?
Wiki that sites us: http://viswiki.com/en/Yerkes-Dodson_law
This week Chase discusses how you can achieve "Peak Performance" on the court by avoiding the extremes of excitability. This is illustrated in the Yerkes-Dodson Law of Arousal; a simple concept that makes a lot of sense.
This week we're also asking you to submit a Video Response of you showing us the two extremes of excitability and how they might affect your performance on the court. We'll feature the ones we choose on Chase's next blog, so submit your video response TODAY!!
See you next week!!
Be sure to check out our website:
and Chase's site:
Ask Coach Contest!
Do you have a question about Basketball that you want answered?
This is the first in a weekly series where we will take a question that you guys submit to us and turn it into a video response from us the following week. All you have to do is submit a question in the comments here or in a video response attached to this video. We'll go through all the questions and choose the one we will tackle for the following week's video.
We will be especially interested in Video Responses because it will give us a chance to feature your video on next week's episode, so please consider recording yourself asking your question and attaching it here. We'll probably choose our featured question by next Friday, so submit your videos ASAP!!!
The question can be about anything Basketball and we'll do our best to answer it. Try to narrow down your topic so we can fully cover it in our response.
There will be a new episode each week, so please don't give up on your question.
Love to hear from you!
How to be a Leader on the Basketball Court
Do you want to be a Leader?!?
In the first of Chase's weekly blogs, he discusses what it takes to be a leader on the basketball court.
If you have topics you want discussed, please submit them in the comments or leave us a video response. Also, we'd love to hear from you on this topic, so leave us a video response of your thoughts on being a leader or your personal experiences on the basketball court.
See you next week!!
Be sure to check out our website:
and Chase's site:
Protecting the Basketball (The Box) - How to Shoot a Basketball Video Blog (Watch in HD)
Please support us by Commenting, Rating, and Subscribing!!
Protecting the Basketball - The Box
In this video, we're going to explore the concept of "The Box," which is an imaginary area on your body where protecting the basketball from the defense becomes more difficult. We will talk about why this zone of your body is prime for turning the ball over to the defense and also go into the methods you should use to maneuver the ball in and around this area. Knowing this simple concept can improve your offensive game exponentially.
Soon to follow will be Part 2 of "The Box" where we will explain how having the ball inside or outside of the Box will affect your defender in ways that will give you the advantage. This topic will also be explored in much more detail in an upcoming downloadable video on our website, so please bookmark us!
Be sure to check out our website:
-Special thanks again go to Taylor and Zen!
-Opening clip is a great display of hustle and teamwork by Jason Foster, Chase Curtiss, and Josh Walker.
-All shooting clips are of our own Chase Curtiss.
Thanks so much for watching!
Get Your Shot Off Quicker (Dip Rhythm) - How to Shoot a Basketball Video Blog (Watch in HD)
Please support us by Commenting, Rating, and Subscribing!!
How to shoot a Basketball - Quick Release
In today's installment, we're taking a look at how to get your shot off quicker; an important consideration when trying to shoot over the defense. Often we see players utilizing a method we refer to as "Dip Rhythm" to gather themselves as they go into the shot. This is a time costly method and a waste of ball movement. We believe a much better alternative is something we call "Up Rhythm." This alternative will greatly hasten your shot and give you a much better chance of avoiding the defense blocking your shot.
The key to "Up Rhythm" is not only in eliminating the dipping of the ball, but also in the footwork prior to catching the ball. We'll be exploring this very important topic in an upcoming downloadable video on our website, so please bookmark us!
Be sure to check out our website:
-Special thanks to Taylor and Zen! They're great players!
-Opening clip is a spectacular dunk by our great friend Zack McVey.
-All shooting clips are of our own Chase Curtiss.
Thanks so much for watching!